The Young Adult Ministry at Providence hosted a Camp Retreat recently that brought together Young Adults at the church. The retreat was held over the week-end at the Camp Lawana camp site - ELWA
Monday, November 06, 2006
Madison Square Church and Pebbles and Stones International delegation visited Providence Baptist Church from October 25th to November 8th as part of our Sister-Church Relationship Partnership. During thier visit here they conducted several Children's Workers Conferences at Providene and other churches around the city. The delegation included from left to right: Mary Springer, Cheri and Jeffery Niemeiemer and Cathleen Trock.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
“What are some of our privileges and duties in this, our own church?
With this view, engage to strive for the advancement of this church (Heb. 10:25)
in knowledge holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality
(Rom. 12:6-11), to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrine (II Tim. 3:16, 17).
What vows do we gladly make as stewards of that which God has entrusted to us?
To contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and spread of the gospel and foster Christian education and mission throughout all nations (Mal. 3:8-11; Matt. 23:23; II Cor. 8:5-12; 9:6-8; I John 3:17)
Mission Statement
“…Disciples making disciples, transforming lives renewing communities
(Matthew 28:18-20; Isaiah 58:12)
Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves, Jr. Website: www.
PASTOR E-mail:
Rev. Joseph J. Roberts Phone: (011-231)077534172
Associate Pastor Cell: (011-231) 653-4172
P.O.Box 1076 Broad, Center & Ashmun Streets
Monrovia, Liberia – West Africa
Our Vision:
To build a church where lives are radically Changed and disciples are intentionally made
Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves, Jr.
Building a Church where lives are being radically changed…
The overriding mission at Providence Baptist Church is to be disciples who make disciples, transforming lives and renewing communities (Matthew 28:19-20; Isaiah 58:12). In order to accomplish the mission we have a variety of ministries at Providence. From our two weekend services, to the mid-day prayer services, to the mid-week praise service and bible studies, and to the various sub-ministries throughout Providence, we, your pastor, staff, and volunteer leaders, are committed to working together to move this congregation from status quo to status grow - spiritually, and financially. Every year at budget time we have a chance to keep the unity of the Spirit as we consider what commitment God is calling all of us to as He moves us along to the fulfillment of our mission and vision.
Over the last budget year, we have seen a steady growth and a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit in the life of our church. We are growing spiritually - through in-depth bible studies and sound preaching of God-centered sermon series, numerically - through an increase in the attendance of Sunday School, Bible Studies and worship services , and in ministry opportunities - through the Providence Day-Care Center, the Ark Internet Café, the Music School, Grow Groups, the increasing numbers of members involvement through volunteerism, the Amadu Town Housing Project, and the Gorgbeh Town School and Clinic Project, among others.
As a congregation we are being stretched beyond these comfortable walls into our immediate communities and the larger society - God is expanding our ability to empower His people, to enlarge our territories, and to continue to build His Kingdom at this mission station on Providence Hill.
Over the past year one of the most significant changes that we have begun to experience as a congregation is doing away with the status quo - the sloppy Agape, and creating a new way of accountability, responsibility, and excellence in worship, doing ministry and leadership. Over the past year we have made significant progress in putting into place structures and polities so that we can do ministry with effectiveness, fruitfulness and sensitivity. As things change and time evolves we must be organized in order for us to serve effectively. Providence, remember, we are not there yet, but we are not what we used to be either. God has called us to grow beyond our limitations.
We are thankful to God and to you for the opportunity given us to serve you and fulfill God’s call on our lives as a congregation to continue to build a church where lives are radically changed and disciples are intentionally made.
When God decided to raise a nation of His own, He didn’t call upon the masses. He called out one leader— Abraham. When God wanted to deliver His people out of Egypt, He didn’t guide them as a group. He raised a leader to do it - Moses. When it came time for the people to cross into the Promised Land, they followed one person - Joshua. When it came time for God to raise Providence Hill from status quo to status grow and status go, He called a leader, your humble servant. Every time God desires to do something new and great, He calls a leader to step forward. I wholeheartedly believe that everything rises and falls on leadership. What do you mean by that? I am glad you asked. By that I mean that, more than anything else, the leadership of any institution or organization will determine its success or failure. I am extremely humbled to be called by God for such a time as this to lead his church out of the vestiges of violence and onto the veranda of victory. For this I am most grateful. My Brothers and Sisters of Providence, I request your permission to report on the state of the church over the last one year of our stay here.
Over the last year our approach has been to have a staff-driven church administrative structure challenged by a culture of accountability, responsibility, excellence and dependence on God as we stair the shape of state at Providence from one of status quo to status grow.
I must praise God for the wonderful team of workers He has blessed me with to do His business. God has been working through the staff to get the congregation share Our Mission, Our Vision and Our Plan.
Our Vision:
“To build a church where lives are radically changed and disciples are intentionally made.
Our Mission:
Disciples making Disciples, Transforming Lives and Renewing Communities;
Our Plan:
To use our different gifts to live for God to our fullest and share Him with others so that they can also live to their fullest, using their different gifts” We hope to realize these through what we referred to as the five G’s:
- to personally appropriate and extend the saving work of Christ (Eph. 2:8-9);
- to pursue Christ-likeness (2 Peter 3:18);
- to connection with other members in significant relationship (Acts 2:46);
- to serve the body of Christ according to our spiritual gifts and passion (Romans 12:6-8) and
Good Stewardship
- to honor God with our resources through what we give to the church and what we keep (Philippians 4:11 – 19)
As a way of getting the congregation on board the ministry bus, we hosted our first annual leadership workshop on May 28th to expose the congregation to the Our Mission, Our Vision and Our Plan. The training was intended to get the church appreciate the unfolding developments or adjustments taking place. The leadership training brought together Deacons, Trustees, Finance Committee Members, Directors, Seminarians and ministers in training.
Upon assuming the leadership responsibilities of the church in February 2005, we re-organized the administrative structure for effective accountability and productivity. As your Pastor, and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), I am directly accountable to encourage, coach, and support the ministry leaders and ministries which are listed in this presentation.
Let me now take you into our various departments and present to you a brief insight of what happened at this mission station on Providence Hill in 2005.
The Communications Department
With the creation of the communications department, the church now has a “central processing unit,” where all the church documents are processed. The department is responsible for the bulletin/announcement, Radio (broadcast) Ministry and Sound Technician, Newsletter, Volunteer workers, Information center and Usher Ministry. The department has also been supervising the use of the church facilities together with the Property Manager. During the last year, we redesigned a new bulletin to layout our new worship guide. The bulletin is published weekly by the department headed Bro. Peter Quaqua as director. With the growth in the number of activities and ministries at Providence, come the demand for effective public relations; I am pleased to inform you that we are in the process of transforming the Newsletter into a Newspaper to cover a wide rage of issues in the religious community. You will also appreciate that the church on Sunday, February 12 dedicated its first Internet Café to the glory of God.
The Congregational Life Department
During the period under review, we created a new department known as Congregational Life to cater for the needs of the members. The primary purpose of the department is to provide pastoral care for members and regular attendants at Providence Baptist Church. Under the supervision of Associate Pastor, Rev. Joseph Roberts, Congregational Life focuses on care giving including the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of the congregation. The department is in charge of visitation and provides counseling for bereaved members and those getting married. Currently, the department has divided the congregation into forty-two smaller groups of ten to twelve in order to keep track of the members in the various communities. We called the community groups grow/care group. It is hoped that this structure will engender more love, growth and concern among the members. We should report to you that the church has been experiencing growth in numbers.
Statistics show that the church grew in strength over the last year. On the average we recorded 100 to 150 worshippers in our early morning service as opposed to an average attendance of 75 to 100 in the previous year of 2004. Attendance in our 10:30 (second service) registered improvement with an average of 455 to about 600 per Sunday in 2005 while in 2004 we netted 360 to 450 worshippers per Sunday.
Eulogy: During the period, thirteen members of the congregation went home to be with the Lord. They include: Brothers Samuel B. Stubblefield, Jr., Momo Gweh, Sr., James D. Gordon Massaquoi Williams, Magnus T. Taylor, Charles E. Haward, McEllery J. Wood, Amos J. Withspoon and Wilkins Sims. Others are Sisters Arma Debong Swaray, Julia H. King and Deacon James Hutchison Page. - may their souls and those who pre-deceased them rest with the Father.
Having dispensed the bad news let me also report to you that during the course of the mission year, we officiated eight weddings: Brother and Sisters Crispin Tulay, Ballah Samolu, G. Cyrus Townsend, Willington Sumie, George A. Kiawu, Jesse Goll, Matthew K. Paye and George H-Too Wesley
The Department of Christian Education
Education remains an indispensable component in the life of the church. Following a period of war, our young people continued to be subjects of the tricks of the devil - hence the church must remain engage with the spiritual life of the youth population to help renew their minds. The education department has been engaging the youth, young adult and college students of the church. In July, of the last year, a youth camp was held to reawaken their spirit of involvement in church work.
The department oversees the scholarship and financial aid program of the church. To date, we have nine deserving members benefiting from the church scholarship and financial aid programs in the various areas of studies including circular, theological and vocational disciplines. A scholarship manual has been drafted to guide the program which provides for among other things that the beneficiaries render services to the church upon completion of their studies. Under the same breath, Brother Emmanuel Ekyinabah (MD) left the country during the period for a two-year specialized course in Diagnostic Medicine at the Jackson College in Michigan, USA. The scholarship was awarded through our sister church- the Madison Square.
On October 17 of the period, Providence Baptist Church dedicated its first Day Care. This ground breaking venture is the brain child of Mother Snowe. She spear headed the establishment of the school. The church has all reasons to celebrate the setting up of this Day Care now running in the Lott Carey Annex. I am pleased to report to you that The Day Care is growing steadily. Thirteen kids are now enrolled. It is hoped that this effort will jump start the establishment of a grade school. Improvement was also recorded during the period in the Sunday School of the church though not satisfactory. Attendance at Sunday School has remained grossly inadequately considering the overall membership of the congregation. Sunday School attendance has not grown as much as we wanted. The number over the year has been between 60 to 100. This figure, however, shows a slight improvement from the 2004 ministry year that registered 40 to 55.
We must extend sincere thanks to our children workers. They have been extremely well with the kids. The children church witnessed significant growth of 120 to 200 over the last year. But this positive development has created another problem – the problem of finding more workers to serve the kids. We should not emphasize that they are the foundation of our future.
The Royal Ambassador (RA), Girls Auxiliary (GA), and Vacation Bible School are also being re-strengthened to meet the needs of our kids. Lic. Boimah Mason is the head of the Christian Education Department
The Department of Evangelism and Missions
The life of the church would be nearly nonexistent in the absence of mission work. God commissioned us, believers to go throughout all nations and tell the good news. Essentially, spreading the good news of salvation is what the church is all about. This is why Providence has as its mission statement, Disciples Making Disciples, Transforming Lives and Renewing Communities.
The Department of Evangelism remains heavily engaged with our mission fields in Monrovia and its surrounding areas. At the VOA Displaced Center, a name you are quite familiar with, the Living Way Fellowship there is by now a success story. Phase two of the construction work is now nearing completion and the grace of God, we will dedicate the church to the glory of God on Monday, February 27. Providence is grateful to the PBC Fellowship, USA for the continuing support to the VOA and other projects and the Madison Square Christian Reform Church. At Amadu Town, minimum efforts are being put in place to get the Fellowship there reorganized. The fellowship currently meets in the home of one of the members for worship services pending the construction of a makeshift edifice. The Habitat housing project at Amadu Town that was halted because of the civil war is being restarted.
I should also report to you that the fellowship in Gorgbeh Town, across the Po River in Bomi County is being re-conditioned by the Town’s people. Gorgbeh Town mission field could be the biggest success story yet for Providence in its 185 years of ministry. Providence has in its possession a twenty-five acre deed for a land offered by the people of the Town to enhance our ministry there – to God be the glory! The church has begun the implementation of three small project proposals for a clinic, an elementary school and agriculture program. Several hectors of land is being cultivated to plants plantains. As part of our engagement with the Town, the church will construct a bridge over the river to connect the Town thereby enhancing our own work. A proposal for the bridge is currently being reviewed.
As celebrate 185 years, we should praise God for allowing us plaint several congregation through out this nation. To name a few: Second Providence, Third Providence, St. Simon, James R. Davis, Double Bridge, Gracie A. Reeves, Living Way (VOA) among others. Our prayer is that He will lead us in making more exploits for Him.
During the period under review nine members of our congregation were examined by the Baptist Union Meeting of the Liberia Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention for the purpose of seeking ordaination. Those who passed the six month training are:
§ Lic. Boimah M. Mason, Jr.
§ Lic. John F. Porkpa
§ Lic. Miatta Gray-Taylor
§ Lic. Comfort B. Marshall
§ Lic. William Reeves
§ Lic. Alexander Early
§ Lic. Anthony B. Morris
§ Lic. Andrew Roberts
§ Lic. Michael Nugba
We will meet with above listed individuals and plan the ordination ceremony in the very near future.
Under the direction of Rev. Charles Diggs, the Evangelism Department has also been engaged with the hospital and prison ministries. The church fed over four hundred inmates at the Central Prison on January 6 and administers medication to the destitute people of Gorgbeh Town on 7th January 2006. In the year under review we received into membership a total of __________ new members
The Finance & Budget Department
The financial condition of the church is steadily improving, but much is desire to underwrite the increasing wage bill of the church, occasioned by the growing number of ministry work. The total budgeted amount for the fiscal year under review is $1,398,700.00 (One Million, three hundred and ninety-eight thousand Liberian dollars) and $78,300.00 (Seventy-eight thousand, three hundred US dollars). Our Business Manager resigned on Monday, December 5, 2005On Friday, December 9th, 2005 a small group of Accountants (members of Providence) met with the Pastor and suggest ways:
o To help set-up a more modern Financial/Accountant system for the church.
o To help in the preparation and completion of the 2006-2007 budget.
o To examine our present financial condition and system, and suggest if we need a financial audit or not.
Department of Music and Worship
The music ministry remains an inseparable part of worship. When we assumed the leadership of the church the Music Department was being managed by an acting director, which made the department to operate irregularly. Thank God for a new director – the Music Department is doing great things for the Lord. The department has reactivated the Senior Choir and is in the process of reactivating the Youth Chorus and Children’s Choir. It would interest you I believe, that the church is to shortly set up a music school to train interested members and individuals. Providence choir participate in the intercessary worship service held at the First United Methodist Church, on Sunday, January 15, for the inauguration of our new president, madame Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
There is a spirit of volunteerism taking hold in the church that we should mention before concluding this report. We have been able to mobilize some potential members who seem excited to contribute to the running of the church. A group of twenty members secured a 30KVA brand new generator that will answer some of the electricity needs of the church. The generator is valued at US$8.500.00 plus US$1,000 for the construction of a power house and the recent donation of a vehicle to the church. A number of other people have been showing up at the church to render volunteer services in other areas. Specifically, I should mention Brothers Kweinyee Andrew and James Harris, who have been serving as our volunteer Property Manager and Assistant Manager respectively. There are many of such people who’ve been rendering voluntary services to the church – we praised God for this work spirit.
An important support base for our ministries is the growing numbers of foreign partnerships we’ve continue to establish through the grace of God. We like to praise God for existing partnership with the following churches in the United States: The Gethsemane Baptist Church, The Resurrection Life Church, La Grave Christian Reform Church, The Madison Square Christian Reform Church, the Rich and Helen DeVos Foundation, and our own Providence Baptist Church Fellowship/USA. These congregations have been of particular blessing to the operation of the church. We should specifically mention the contribution of Madison Square, the DeVos Foundation (funded the following projects: Internet café, Amandu Town Housing, Gborgbeh Town School and Clinic, and a new 4x4 SUV for the church), and the PBC Fellowship, USA. A delegation from Liberia visits the States every July to participate in the Annual gathering of the Fellowship and also visit Madison Square. The partnership with Madison spans over four years now – it was initiated while we were serving with the church.
In the year under review The Liberia Entrepreneurial and Asset Development-in the name of Christ (LEAD, Inc.), a local NGO was established in partnership with Providence Baptist Church. The goal of LEAD is to help develop and grow small and middle size business through a savings and loan program. Sister Edyth Bawn, a member of Providence serves as its President.
During the period under review we conducted the first every performance evaluation review for the staff and employee of Providence in an attempt to cease the future and take advantage of the many opportunities for doing ministry, growing and becoming all that God wants us to be. We established the Strategic Planning Ministry Team, headed by Dr. Wilbur Thomas and Sis. Ophelia Hoff-Saytumah is the Co-Chair.
My brothers and sisters of Providence Baptist Church, God has truly been a blessing to us over the last year. We acknowledge His Lordship in the gains made in our first year. We should also acknowledge your prayers and support in moving our church forward. We cannot but remain prayerful that you all will continue to pray that the almighty God will not stop using us to achieve great things in His name. Ours is a call to service delivery; we must keep the focus.
It is a fact of scripture that where the spirit of God exists, great things are bound to happen. With the initial breakthrough we have seen, we are convinced that the favor of God is upon us and we are about to go places.
We like to challenge all of you to join us in building a vibrant and spirit filled church. We must continue to pray for workers and supporters to keep us engage with the transformation of the Liberian society. Our country has just inaugurated another president after a bitter conflict. There remain of course the huge task of reunifying and reconciling the people of Liberia. The role of the church is important in this direction – we can’t afford to relegate our contribution to this effort. May God bless of us as we tarry on this mount.
2006 Project Recommendation to the PBC Fellowship, USA
That the PBC Fellowship funds the payment of our staff/employee salaries and benefits for 2006 budget year. Our monthly budget obligation for this line is: $3,626.00
That the PBC Fellowship Aid the Upgrading of the Providence Day-Care/Nursery and Kindergarten through the purchase of much needed supplies, equipment, etc. (a complete list will be furnished asap)
With this view, engage to strive for the advancement of this church (Heb. 10:25)
in knowledge holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality
(Rom. 12:6-11), to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrine (II Tim. 3:16, 17).
What vows do we gladly make as stewards of that which God has entrusted to us?
To contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and spread of the gospel and foster Christian education and mission throughout all nations (Mal. 3:8-11; Matt. 23:23; II Cor. 8:5-12; 9:6-8; I John 3:17)
Mission Statement
“…Disciples making disciples, transforming lives renewing communities
(Matthew 28:18-20; Isaiah 58:12)
Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves, Jr. Website: www.
PASTOR E-mail:
Rev. Joseph J. Roberts Phone: (011-231)077534172
Associate Pastor Cell: (011-231) 653-4172
P.O.Box 1076 Broad, Center & Ashmun Streets
Monrovia, Liberia – West Africa
Our Vision:
To build a church where lives are radically Changed and disciples are intentionally made
Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves, Jr.
Building a Church where lives are being radically changed…
The overriding mission at Providence Baptist Church is to be disciples who make disciples, transforming lives and renewing communities (Matthew 28:19-20; Isaiah 58:12). In order to accomplish the mission we have a variety of ministries at Providence. From our two weekend services, to the mid-day prayer services, to the mid-week praise service and bible studies, and to the various sub-ministries throughout Providence, we, your pastor, staff, and volunteer leaders, are committed to working together to move this congregation from status quo to status grow - spiritually, and financially. Every year at budget time we have a chance to keep the unity of the Spirit as we consider what commitment God is calling all of us to as He moves us along to the fulfillment of our mission and vision.
Over the last budget year, we have seen a steady growth and a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit in the life of our church. We are growing spiritually - through in-depth bible studies and sound preaching of God-centered sermon series, numerically - through an increase in the attendance of Sunday School, Bible Studies and worship services , and in ministry opportunities - through the Providence Day-Care Center, the Ark Internet Café, the Music School, Grow Groups, the increasing numbers of members involvement through volunteerism, the Amadu Town Housing Project, and the Gorgbeh Town School and Clinic Project, among others.
As a congregation we are being stretched beyond these comfortable walls into our immediate communities and the larger society - God is expanding our ability to empower His people, to enlarge our territories, and to continue to build His Kingdom at this mission station on Providence Hill.
Over the past year one of the most significant changes that we have begun to experience as a congregation is doing away with the status quo - the sloppy Agape, and creating a new way of accountability, responsibility, and excellence in worship, doing ministry and leadership. Over the past year we have made significant progress in putting into place structures and polities so that we can do ministry with effectiveness, fruitfulness and sensitivity. As things change and time evolves we must be organized in order for us to serve effectively. Providence, remember, we are not there yet, but we are not what we used to be either. God has called us to grow beyond our limitations.
We are thankful to God and to you for the opportunity given us to serve you and fulfill God’s call on our lives as a congregation to continue to build a church where lives are radically changed and disciples are intentionally made.
When God decided to raise a nation of His own, He didn’t call upon the masses. He called out one leader— Abraham. When God wanted to deliver His people out of Egypt, He didn’t guide them as a group. He raised a leader to do it - Moses. When it came time for the people to cross into the Promised Land, they followed one person - Joshua. When it came time for God to raise Providence Hill from status quo to status grow and status go, He called a leader, your humble servant. Every time God desires to do something new and great, He calls a leader to step forward. I wholeheartedly believe that everything rises and falls on leadership. What do you mean by that? I am glad you asked. By that I mean that, more than anything else, the leadership of any institution or organization will determine its success or failure. I am extremely humbled to be called by God for such a time as this to lead his church out of the vestiges of violence and onto the veranda of victory. For this I am most grateful. My Brothers and Sisters of Providence, I request your permission to report on the state of the church over the last one year of our stay here.
Over the last year our approach has been to have a staff-driven church administrative structure challenged by a culture of accountability, responsibility, excellence and dependence on God as we stair the shape of state at Providence from one of status quo to status grow.
I must praise God for the wonderful team of workers He has blessed me with to do His business. God has been working through the staff to get the congregation share Our Mission, Our Vision and Our Plan.
Our Vision:
“To build a church where lives are radically changed and disciples are intentionally made.
Our Mission:
Disciples making Disciples, Transforming Lives and Renewing Communities;
Our Plan:
To use our different gifts to live for God to our fullest and share Him with others so that they can also live to their fullest, using their different gifts” We hope to realize these through what we referred to as the five G’s:
- to personally appropriate and extend the saving work of Christ (Eph. 2:8-9);
- to pursue Christ-likeness (2 Peter 3:18);
- to connection with other members in significant relationship (Acts 2:46);
- to serve the body of Christ according to our spiritual gifts and passion (Romans 12:6-8) and
Good Stewardship
- to honor God with our resources through what we give to the church and what we keep (Philippians 4:11 – 19)
As a way of getting the congregation on board the ministry bus, we hosted our first annual leadership workshop on May 28th to expose the congregation to the Our Mission, Our Vision and Our Plan. The training was intended to get the church appreciate the unfolding developments or adjustments taking place. The leadership training brought together Deacons, Trustees, Finance Committee Members, Directors, Seminarians and ministers in training.
Upon assuming the leadership responsibilities of the church in February 2005, we re-organized the administrative structure for effective accountability and productivity. As your Pastor, and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), I am directly accountable to encourage, coach, and support the ministry leaders and ministries which are listed in this presentation.
Let me now take you into our various departments and present to you a brief insight of what happened at this mission station on Providence Hill in 2005.
The Communications Department
With the creation of the communications department, the church now has a “central processing unit,” where all the church documents are processed. The department is responsible for the bulletin/announcement, Radio (broadcast) Ministry and Sound Technician, Newsletter, Volunteer workers, Information center and Usher Ministry. The department has also been supervising the use of the church facilities together with the Property Manager. During the last year, we redesigned a new bulletin to layout our new worship guide. The bulletin is published weekly by the department headed Bro. Peter Quaqua as director. With the growth in the number of activities and ministries at Providence, come the demand for effective public relations; I am pleased to inform you that we are in the process of transforming the Newsletter into a Newspaper to cover a wide rage of issues in the religious community. You will also appreciate that the church on Sunday, February 12 dedicated its first Internet Café to the glory of God.
The Congregational Life Department
During the period under review, we created a new department known as Congregational Life to cater for the needs of the members. The primary purpose of the department is to provide pastoral care for members and regular attendants at Providence Baptist Church. Under the supervision of Associate Pastor, Rev. Joseph Roberts, Congregational Life focuses on care giving including the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of the congregation. The department is in charge of visitation and provides counseling for bereaved members and those getting married. Currently, the department has divided the congregation into forty-two smaller groups of ten to twelve in order to keep track of the members in the various communities. We called the community groups grow/care group. It is hoped that this structure will engender more love, growth and concern among the members. We should report to you that the church has been experiencing growth in numbers.
Statistics show that the church grew in strength over the last year. On the average we recorded 100 to 150 worshippers in our early morning service as opposed to an average attendance of 75 to 100 in the previous year of 2004. Attendance in our 10:30 (second service) registered improvement with an average of 455 to about 600 per Sunday in 2005 while in 2004 we netted 360 to 450 worshippers per Sunday.
Eulogy: During the period, thirteen members of the congregation went home to be with the Lord. They include: Brothers Samuel B. Stubblefield, Jr., Momo Gweh, Sr., James D. Gordon Massaquoi Williams, Magnus T. Taylor, Charles E. Haward, McEllery J. Wood, Amos J. Withspoon and Wilkins Sims. Others are Sisters Arma Debong Swaray, Julia H. King and Deacon James Hutchison Page. - may their souls and those who pre-deceased them rest with the Father.
Having dispensed the bad news let me also report to you that during the course of the mission year, we officiated eight weddings: Brother and Sisters Crispin Tulay, Ballah Samolu, G. Cyrus Townsend, Willington Sumie, George A. Kiawu, Jesse Goll, Matthew K. Paye and George H-Too Wesley
The Department of Christian Education
Education remains an indispensable component in the life of the church. Following a period of war, our young people continued to be subjects of the tricks of the devil - hence the church must remain engage with the spiritual life of the youth population to help renew their minds. The education department has been engaging the youth, young adult and college students of the church. In July, of the last year, a youth camp was held to reawaken their spirit of involvement in church work.
The department oversees the scholarship and financial aid program of the church. To date, we have nine deserving members benefiting from the church scholarship and financial aid programs in the various areas of studies including circular, theological and vocational disciplines. A scholarship manual has been drafted to guide the program which provides for among other things that the beneficiaries render services to the church upon completion of their studies. Under the same breath, Brother Emmanuel Ekyinabah (MD) left the country during the period for a two-year specialized course in Diagnostic Medicine at the Jackson College in Michigan, USA. The scholarship was awarded through our sister church- the Madison Square.
On October 17 of the period, Providence Baptist Church dedicated its first Day Care. This ground breaking venture is the brain child of Mother Snowe. She spear headed the establishment of the school. The church has all reasons to celebrate the setting up of this Day Care now running in the Lott Carey Annex. I am pleased to report to you that The Day Care is growing steadily. Thirteen kids are now enrolled. It is hoped that this effort will jump start the establishment of a grade school. Improvement was also recorded during the period in the Sunday School of the church though not satisfactory. Attendance at Sunday School has remained grossly inadequately considering the overall membership of the congregation. Sunday School attendance has not grown as much as we wanted. The number over the year has been between 60 to 100. This figure, however, shows a slight improvement from the 2004 ministry year that registered 40 to 55.
We must extend sincere thanks to our children workers. They have been extremely well with the kids. The children church witnessed significant growth of 120 to 200 over the last year. But this positive development has created another problem – the problem of finding more workers to serve the kids. We should not emphasize that they are the foundation of our future.
The Royal Ambassador (RA), Girls Auxiliary (GA), and Vacation Bible School are also being re-strengthened to meet the needs of our kids. Lic. Boimah Mason is the head of the Christian Education Department
The Department of Evangelism and Missions
The life of the church would be nearly nonexistent in the absence of mission work. God commissioned us, believers to go throughout all nations and tell the good news. Essentially, spreading the good news of salvation is what the church is all about. This is why Providence has as its mission statement, Disciples Making Disciples, Transforming Lives and Renewing Communities.
The Department of Evangelism remains heavily engaged with our mission fields in Monrovia and its surrounding areas. At the VOA Displaced Center, a name you are quite familiar with, the Living Way Fellowship there is by now a success story. Phase two of the construction work is now nearing completion and the grace of God, we will dedicate the church to the glory of God on Monday, February 27. Providence is grateful to the PBC Fellowship, USA for the continuing support to the VOA and other projects and the Madison Square Christian Reform Church. At Amadu Town, minimum efforts are being put in place to get the Fellowship there reorganized. The fellowship currently meets in the home of one of the members for worship services pending the construction of a makeshift edifice. The Habitat housing project at Amadu Town that was halted because of the civil war is being restarted.
I should also report to you that the fellowship in Gorgbeh Town, across the Po River in Bomi County is being re-conditioned by the Town’s people. Gorgbeh Town mission field could be the biggest success story yet for Providence in its 185 years of ministry. Providence has in its possession a twenty-five acre deed for a land offered by the people of the Town to enhance our ministry there – to God be the glory! The church has begun the implementation of three small project proposals for a clinic, an elementary school and agriculture program. Several hectors of land is being cultivated to plants plantains. As part of our engagement with the Town, the church will construct a bridge over the river to connect the Town thereby enhancing our own work. A proposal for the bridge is currently being reviewed.
As celebrate 185 years, we should praise God for allowing us plaint several congregation through out this nation. To name a few: Second Providence, Third Providence, St. Simon, James R. Davis, Double Bridge, Gracie A. Reeves, Living Way (VOA) among others. Our prayer is that He will lead us in making more exploits for Him.
During the period under review nine members of our congregation were examined by the Baptist Union Meeting of the Liberia Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention for the purpose of seeking ordaination. Those who passed the six month training are:
§ Lic. Boimah M. Mason, Jr.
§ Lic. John F. Porkpa
§ Lic. Miatta Gray-Taylor
§ Lic. Comfort B. Marshall
§ Lic. William Reeves
§ Lic. Alexander Early
§ Lic. Anthony B. Morris
§ Lic. Andrew Roberts
§ Lic. Michael Nugba
We will meet with above listed individuals and plan the ordination ceremony in the very near future.
Under the direction of Rev. Charles Diggs, the Evangelism Department has also been engaged with the hospital and prison ministries. The church fed over four hundred inmates at the Central Prison on January 6 and administers medication to the destitute people of Gorgbeh Town on 7th January 2006. In the year under review we received into membership a total of __________ new members
The Finance & Budget Department
The financial condition of the church is steadily improving, but much is desire to underwrite the increasing wage bill of the church, occasioned by the growing number of ministry work. The total budgeted amount for the fiscal year under review is $1,398,700.00 (One Million, three hundred and ninety-eight thousand Liberian dollars) and $78,300.00 (Seventy-eight thousand, three hundred US dollars). Our Business Manager resigned on Monday, December 5, 2005On Friday, December 9th, 2005 a small group of Accountants (members of Providence) met with the Pastor and suggest ways:
o To help set-up a more modern Financial/Accountant system for the church.
o To help in the preparation and completion of the 2006-2007 budget.
o To examine our present financial condition and system, and suggest if we need a financial audit or not.
Department of Music and Worship
The music ministry remains an inseparable part of worship. When we assumed the leadership of the church the Music Department was being managed by an acting director, which made the department to operate irregularly. Thank God for a new director – the Music Department is doing great things for the Lord. The department has reactivated the Senior Choir and is in the process of reactivating the Youth Chorus and Children’s Choir. It would interest you I believe, that the church is to shortly set up a music school to train interested members and individuals. Providence choir participate in the intercessary worship service held at the First United Methodist Church, on Sunday, January 15, for the inauguration of our new president, madame Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
There is a spirit of volunteerism taking hold in the church that we should mention before concluding this report. We have been able to mobilize some potential members who seem excited to contribute to the running of the church. A group of twenty members secured a 30KVA brand new generator that will answer some of the electricity needs of the church. The generator is valued at US$8.500.00 plus US$1,000 for the construction of a power house and the recent donation of a vehicle to the church. A number of other people have been showing up at the church to render volunteer services in other areas. Specifically, I should mention Brothers Kweinyee Andrew and James Harris, who have been serving as our volunteer Property Manager and Assistant Manager respectively. There are many of such people who’ve been rendering voluntary services to the church – we praised God for this work spirit.
An important support base for our ministries is the growing numbers of foreign partnerships we’ve continue to establish through the grace of God. We like to praise God for existing partnership with the following churches in the United States: The Gethsemane Baptist Church, The Resurrection Life Church, La Grave Christian Reform Church, The Madison Square Christian Reform Church, the Rich and Helen DeVos Foundation, and our own Providence Baptist Church Fellowship/USA. These congregations have been of particular blessing to the operation of the church. We should specifically mention the contribution of Madison Square, the DeVos Foundation (funded the following projects: Internet café, Amandu Town Housing, Gborgbeh Town School and Clinic, and a new 4x4 SUV for the church), and the PBC Fellowship, USA. A delegation from Liberia visits the States every July to participate in the Annual gathering of the Fellowship and also visit Madison Square. The partnership with Madison spans over four years now – it was initiated while we were serving with the church.
In the year under review The Liberia Entrepreneurial and Asset Development-in the name of Christ (LEAD, Inc.), a local NGO was established in partnership with Providence Baptist Church. The goal of LEAD is to help develop and grow small and middle size business through a savings and loan program. Sister Edyth Bawn, a member of Providence serves as its President.
During the period under review we conducted the first every performance evaluation review for the staff and employee of Providence in an attempt to cease the future and take advantage of the many opportunities for doing ministry, growing and becoming all that God wants us to be. We established the Strategic Planning Ministry Team, headed by Dr. Wilbur Thomas and Sis. Ophelia Hoff-Saytumah is the Co-Chair.
My brothers and sisters of Providence Baptist Church, God has truly been a blessing to us over the last year. We acknowledge His Lordship in the gains made in our first year. We should also acknowledge your prayers and support in moving our church forward. We cannot but remain prayerful that you all will continue to pray that the almighty God will not stop using us to achieve great things in His name. Ours is a call to service delivery; we must keep the focus.
It is a fact of scripture that where the spirit of God exists, great things are bound to happen. With the initial breakthrough we have seen, we are convinced that the favor of God is upon us and we are about to go places.
We like to challenge all of you to join us in building a vibrant and spirit filled church. We must continue to pray for workers and supporters to keep us engage with the transformation of the Liberian society. Our country has just inaugurated another president after a bitter conflict. There remain of course the huge task of reunifying and reconciling the people of Liberia. The role of the church is important in this direction – we can’t afford to relegate our contribution to this effort. May God bless of us as we tarry on this mount.
2006 Project Recommendation to the PBC Fellowship, USA
That the PBC Fellowship funds the payment of our staff/employee salaries and benefits for 2006 budget year. Our monthly budget obligation for this line is: $3,626.00
That the PBC Fellowship Aid the Upgrading of the Providence Day-Care/Nursery and Kindergarten through the purchase of much needed supplies, equipment, etc. (a complete list will be furnished asap)
Monday, October 30, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Providence Baptist Church in partnership with
Empowerment Temple AME Church and the St. Simon Baptist
Presents it 2nd Annual
October 25—28, 2006
Lead With All Diligence
Romans 12:6-8
Wednesday— Friday, October 25— 27, 2006 @ 10:00 a.m.
[Special Children’s Workers Conference Saturday, October 28th @ 9 a.m.]
Registration Fee: LD$150.00
Pre-Registration (By Wednesday, October 18th) Fee: LD$100.00
Empowerment Temple AME Church and Providence Baptist Church
Providence Baptist Church
The Cornerstone of the Nation
Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves, Jr. Senior Pastor
Passing the Leadership Test
Women and Leadership: Developing a Paradigm for Success
The Definition of Leadership: Influence
The Leader’s Primary Responsibility: Identifying Potential Leaders
Leadership and the Stewardship of Time Management
Communication: Without it the Leader Travels Alone
The Vision Thing: Without it You’ll will never Become a World-Class Organization
Lead With All Diligence
Romans 12:6-8
Wednesday— Friday, October 25— 27, 2006 @ 10:00 a.m.
[Special Children’s Workers Conference Saturday, October 28th @ 9 a.m.]
Registration Fee: LD$150.00
Pre-Registration (By Wednesday, October 18th) Fee: LD$100.00
Empowerment Temple AME Church and Providence Baptist Church
Providence Baptist Church
The Cornerstone of the Nation
Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves, Jr. Senior Pastor
Passing the Leadership Test
Women and Leadership: Developing a Paradigm for Success
The Definition of Leadership: Influence
The Leader’s Primary Responsibility: Identifying Potential Leaders
Leadership and the Stewardship of Time Management
Communication: Without it the Leader Travels Alone
The Vision Thing: Without it You’ll will never Become a World-Class Organization
Friday, October 13, 2006
Providence Baptist Church Child/Day-Care has grown tremendously in one year. When the Day-Care was open one year ago this week - October 15 we had only two children and we only operated a Day-Care. One year later, we operated a Day/Child-Care, Nursery, and Kindergarden facilities with more than seventy-five kids and growing. Our children now wear uniform. On Sunday, October 15 we will officially celebrate the one year anniversary of the Day-Care during our regular 10:30 moring worship service.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Gorgbeh Town Project
•An elder of the Gorgbeh Town across the Po River in Bomi County presenting the deed to a twenty-five acre land for development. Gorgbeh Town is one of the mission fields of Providence. The church has a preaching ministry there. Through a grant from the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Providence is constructing a school in Gorgbeh town
•A team of land surveyors from Monrovia went to the Bomi and surveyed the land donated to Providence Baptist Church by the Town’s people.
•On the road to Gorbeh is a river without a bridge. Pastor Sam is seen crossing the river with a dedication from Madison Square Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Part of the challenge of PBC is to construct a bridge over the river
•The corner stone bearing the initial of the church (PBC).
•The Providence Baptist Church medical team visited the Town on 7 January to provide free treatment for the destitute people. This Medical Team regularly visits Gorgheh and other preaching centers to render medical help to needed people. This is an extension of our Parish Nurse Ministry at Providence
•A cross of the Town’s people waiting for treatment/medication.
Providence Child-Care Center
•On October 17th 2005, Providence Baptist Church dedicated its first Child/Day Care, Nursery and Kindergarden Center. This ground breaking venture is the brain child of Mother Snowe. She spearheaded the establishment of the school. Presently, the center has about 50 kids registgered for the 2006 school year.
•An elder of the Gorgbeh Town across the Po River in Bomi County presenting the deed to a twenty-five acre land for development. Gorgbeh Town is one of the mission fields of Providence. The church has a preaching ministry there. Through a grant from the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Providence is constructing a school in Gorgbeh town
•A team of land surveyors from Monrovia went to the Bomi and surveyed the land donated to Providence Baptist Church by the Town’s people.
•On the road to Gorbeh is a river without a bridge. Pastor Sam is seen crossing the river with a dedication from Madison Square Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Part of the challenge of PBC is to construct a bridge over the river
•The corner stone bearing the initial of the church (PBC).
•The Providence Baptist Church medical team visited the Town on 7 January to provide free treatment for the destitute people. This Medical Team regularly visits Gorgheh and other preaching centers to render medical help to needed people. This is an extension of our Parish Nurse Ministry at Providence
•A cross of the Town’s people waiting for treatment/medication.
Providence Child-Care Center
•On October 17th 2005, Providence Baptist Church dedicated its first Child/Day Care, Nursery and Kindergarden Center. This ground breaking venture is the brain child of Mother Snowe. She spearheaded the establishment of the school. Presently, the center has about 50 kids registgered for the 2006 school year.
Monday, September 18, 2006
PROVIDENCE BAPTIST CHURCH - The Cornerstone of the Nation
Doing Ministry to its Members, The Community, The Larger Society and the Nation
Proposal for a Congregation-to-Congregation Relationship and Ministry PartnershipBetween Providence Baptist Church, Monrovia, Liberia-West Africa (Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves, Jr. – Senior Pastor)
Partnering with ProvidenceMakes Ministry Sense for Your Congregation
•You, as a congregation:
•Participate in the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ across the world. Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations… (Matthew 28:19).
•Help build and fortify the faith of disciples in another country.
•Extend the Peace of Christ in a war-weary country, restoring faith and hope for meaningful lives .
•Enrich your own prayer and worship lives with stories of how your contribution supports Kingdom of God impacts across Liberia.
•May be challenged to rely more deeply on God’s provision as you learn how, in Providence’s social-political-economic context, God’s people live knowing “all things come of thee, oh Lord. And of Thy own have we given thee.” (I Chronicles 29:14 KJV).
Your Financial and Moral Partnership will:
•Supports the work of Providence’s six existing, youngest daughter congregations (see attached photo of one of such churches under construction. These congregations, located throughout Liberia, serve people who are:•Displaced from the civil wars
•Live in remote tribal villages or
•Reside in predominately Muslim areas.
•Helps create new daughter congregations on an average of one per year.
•Extends Christian counseling to Liberians suffering post-traumatic stresses created by the civil wars.
•Enlarges Providence’s Housing -Ministry, which, through a partnership with Habitat for Humanity – Liberia, offers hope and homes to villagers whose communities were damaged or destroyed through the civil wars.
•For the construction of a school and clinic in the predominantly Muslim village where Providence have planted a church.
•Develops Providence’s brick-making ministry, providing meaningful and real work that will help rebuild family incomes and provide building blocks for constructing more homes, as Providence members and partners share the Gospel and “repair broken walls and restore streets with dwellings”. (Isaiah 58:12).
•Develops Providence Day-Care Center, providing loving and Godly care to young children. “Suffer little children to come unto me…” Jesus said.
•Support several Seminary Students in their field education endeavors.
•Provide a 150kva generator to provide a constant supply of electricity to the church compound to enable her continue the work of ministry.
•Supports the wider mission and ministry of Providence Baptist Church.
Introducing Providence Baptist Church and Her Leader
The Cornerstone of the Nation
•Mission Statement:
…Disciples Making Disciples, Transforming Lives Renewing Communities
(Matthew 28:18-20; Isaiah 58:12).
•Providence Historical Highlights
•Established in 1821 as the first Christian congregation in Liberia, by American Slaves who returned to Africa to start new lives
•Hosted the creation of the Nation of Liberia in 1847 through the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and providing space for Liberia’s first legislative assembly. These activities resulted in Providence being called “The Cornerstone of the Nation.”
•For over a century, Providence has planted churches throughout Liberia and has been influential in the shaping of national Liberian policy. In 1880, a partnership of churches including Providence founded the Liberia Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention.
•In 1976, Providence, in partnership with others, founded the Liberia Baptist Seminary.
•In 1989 a series of civil wars erupted that resulted in massive numbers of deaths and much population displacement. The national economic, health, educational, etc. systems were destroyed. Providence provided holistic care to thousands of displaced persons in the face of extreme danger. The church closed for six months and reopened under the leadership of Acting Pastor Samuel B. Reeves, Jr. The church, at great risk to the life of its leaders and members, stood with the people. The Pastors and others oftentimes spoke prophetically to and acted against both governmental and rebel forces, to provide care and comfort to all who were in need. Such stances still continue today.
•Today, Providence has about 1,000 members who live in Liberia and approximately 1,000 additional members who are refugees residing primarily in the United States.
From Providence Hill let praise be made and tell of all that Thou has done.We finish by Thy grace, by Thy grace, The work, which Thou has given us to do, The work, which Thou has given us to do.
•Rev. Dr. E. Toimue A. Reeves and his wife Fannie wrote
• these words in 1976 for the dedicatory ceremonies of
• Providence’s new Sanctuary. They challenge us to carry out t
• he love of God through service and ministry to this congregation,
• community and world. Through the Holy Spirit, we must transform
• lives and communities by making disciples of all nations and meeting
• whole needs of whole persons with the whole Gospel.
• Prior to coming moving to Liberia I serve as Co-Pastor at Madison Square Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. My wife Alice, our son Al-field, will return, in the summer of 2006, to Monrovia, Liberia. I grew up in Providence, serving in various leadership roles including Administrative Secretary, Director of Christian Education, and Associate Pastor. During the early part of Liberia’s civil crisis in 1990, I served as Acting Pastor. In 1993 I migrated to the United States and matriculated to the Princeton Theological Seminary where I earned Masters of Divinity (1997) and Doctorate of Ministry (2002) degrees. Providence has appointed me to that position again, and my wife Alice, our son Al-field, and I will return to Monrovia where I will again gladly and enthusiastically shoulder that service.
•In light of all of this, we are asking your congregation to please partner with me and the people of Providence in expanding the Kingdom of God here on earth in the following areas:
•By investing a portion of your mission budget annually to the work of holistic ministry and missions – spreading the Gospel of Salvation and expanding the Kingdom of God in Liberia through holistic ministry and missions – saving souls and transforming and empowering the church and society to be all that God has created them to be.
•Establishing as Congregation-to-Congregation Relationship – exchanging mission teams annually.
•In His Dust!
•Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves, Jr.
PROVIDENCE BAPTIST CHURCH - The Cornerstone of the Nation
PBC Community Service Delivery 2006
•The ARK Internet Café
•Living Way Baptist Fellowship
•Gorgbeh Town Project
•Providence Child-Care Center
•Prison Ministry
•LEAD (Liberia Entrepreneur and Asset Development)
•Living Way Baptist Fellowship
•Gorgbeh Town Project
•Providence Child-Care Center
•Prison Ministry
•LEAD (Liberia Entrepreneur and Asset Development)
The ARK Internet Café
•Providence Baptist Church on Sunday, February 12 broke new grounds in its service to the community when it inaugurated the “Ark Internet Café” in Monrovia. The café is located in the church building on the Ashmun Street side.
•This is one of the few internet cafes that is air-cooled with about 10 PCs connected to the World Wide Web.
•We have a competent and qualified staff ready to assist our clients in a clean and quite environment.
•Making remarks at the dedication ceremony, United States Aid for International Development, USAID Country Director in Liberia, Dr. Wilbur Thomas described the church as a community that needed to be developed. He pledged his organization’s support to such programs intended to serve the people.
•The dedicatory ceremony was graced by the President of the Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf who cut the ribbon and struck the first keys to the net as shown in pictures.
•She challenged the church not to make preaching its only focus but help in providing social services to the population.
This 65 KVA generator serves the café and the church (also seen is the technician who operates and fuels the generator). We run the generator for approximately 11 hours per day.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
A view of some of the guests attending the reception after the combined induction ceremony and the 185th anniversary of Providence Baptist Church. There were guest from far and near - from the United States of America, other parts of Africa and throughout Liberia. The reception was held in the Sunday School Annex now the Providence Child-Care and Kindergarden Center.
The Induction of our Pastor Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves, Jr. as Pastor of Providence Baptist Church - February 2004
This is a view of the Congregation at Pastor Dr. Samuel B. Reeves, Jr. induction ceremony at Providence Baptist Church in February 2005.
The beautiful later in the green headtie is Sis. Esther Richards-Freeman, President of the Providence Baptist Church Fellowship in the United States of America.
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