PROVIDENCE BAPTIST CHURCH - The Cornerstone of the Nation
Doing Ministry to its Members, The Community, The Larger Society and the Nation
Proposal for a Congregation-to-Congregation Relationship and Ministry PartnershipBetween Providence Baptist Church, Monrovia, Liberia-West Africa (Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves, Jr. – Senior Pastor)
Partnering with ProvidenceMakes Ministry Sense for Your Congregation
•You, as a congregation:
•Participate in the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ across the world. Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations… (Matthew 28:19).
•Help build and fortify the faith of disciples in another country.
•Extend the Peace of Christ in a war-weary country, restoring faith and hope for meaningful lives .
•Enrich your own prayer and worship lives with stories of how your contribution supports Kingdom of God impacts across Liberia.
•May be challenged to rely more deeply on God’s provision as you learn how, in Providence’s social-political-economic context, God’s people live knowing “all things come of thee, oh Lord. And of Thy own have we given thee.” (I Chronicles 29:14 KJV).
Your Financial and Moral Partnership will:
•Supports the work of Providence’s six existing, youngest daughter congregations (see attached photo of one of such churches under construction. These congregations, located throughout Liberia, serve people who are:
•Displaced from the civil wars
•Live in remote tribal villages or
•Reside in predominately Muslim areas.
•Helps create new daughter congregations on an average of one per year.
•Extends Christian counseling to Liberians suffering post-traumatic stresses created by the civil wars.
•Enlarges Providence’s Housing -Ministry, which, through a partnership with Habitat for Humanity – Liberia, offers hope and homes to villagers whose communities were damaged or destroyed through the civil wars.
•For the construction of a school and clinic in the predominantly Muslim village where Providence have planted a church.
•Develops Providence’s brick-making ministry, providing meaningful and real work that will help rebuild family incomes and provide building blocks for constructing more homes, as Providence members and partners share the Gospel and “repair broken walls and restore streets with dwellings”. (Isaiah 58:12).
•Develops Providence Day-Care Center, providing loving and Godly care to young children. “Suffer little children to come unto me…” Jesus said.
•Support several Seminary Students in their field education endeavors.
•Provide a 150kva generator to provide a constant supply of electricity to the church compound to enable her continue the work of ministry.
•Supports the wider mission and ministry of Providence Baptist Church.
Introducing Providence Baptist Church and Her Leader
The Cornerstone of the Nation
•Mission Statement:
…Disciples Making Disciples, Transforming Lives Renewing Communities
(Matthew 28:18-20; Isaiah 58:12).
•Providence Historical Highlights
•Established in 1821 as the first Christian congregation in Liberia, by American Slaves who returned to Africa to start new lives
•Hosted the creation of the Nation of Liberia in 1847 through the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and providing space for Liberia’s first legislative assembly. These activities resulted in Providence being called “The Cornerstone of the Nation.”
•For over a century, Providence has planted churches throughout Liberia and has been influential in the shaping of national Liberian policy. In 1880, a partnership of churches including Providence founded the Liberia Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention.
•In 1976, Providence, in partnership with others, founded the Liberia Baptist Seminary.
•In 1989 a series of civil wars erupted that resulted in massive numbers of deaths and much population displacement. The national economic, health, educational, etc. systems were destroyed. Providence provided holistic care to thousands of displaced persons in the face of extreme danger. The church closed for six months and reopened under the leadership of Acting Pastor Samuel B. Reeves, Jr. The church, at great risk to the life of its leaders and members, stood with the people. The Pastors and others oftentimes spoke prophetically to and acted against both governmental and rebel forces, to provide care and comfort to all who were in need. Such stances still continue today.
•Today, Providence has about 1,000 members who live in Liberia and approximately 1,000 additional members who are refugees residing primarily in the United States.
From Providence Hill let praise be made and tell of all that Thou has done.We finish by Thy grace, by Thy grace, The work, which Thou has given us to do, The work, which Thou has given us to do.•Rev. Dr. E. Toimue A. Reeves and his wife Fannie wrote
• these words in 1976 for the dedicatory ceremonies of
• Providence’s new Sanctuary. They challenge us to carry out t
• he love of God through service and ministry to this congregation,
• community and world. Through the Holy Spirit, we must transform
• lives and communities by making disciples of all nations and meeting
• whole needs of whole persons with the whole Gospel.
• Prior to coming moving to Liberia I serve as Co-Pastor at Madison Square Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. My wife Alice, our son Al-field, will return, in the summer of 2006, to Monrovia, Liberia. I grew up in Providence, serving in various leadership roles including Administrative Secretary, Director of Christian Education, and Associate Pastor. During the early part of Liberia’s civil crisis in 1990, I served as Acting Pastor. In 1993 I migrated to the United States and matriculated to the Princeton Theological Seminary where I earned Masters of Divinity (1997) and Doctorate of Ministry (2002) degrees. Providence has appointed me to that position again, and my wife Alice, our son Al-field, and I will return to Monrovia where I will again gladly and enthusiastically shoulder that service.
•In light of all of this, we are asking your congregation to please partner with me and the people of Providence in expanding the Kingdom of God here on earth in the following areas:
•By investing a portion of your mission budget annually to the work of holistic ministry and missions – spreading the Gospel of Salvation and expanding the Kingdom of God in Liberia through holistic ministry and missions – saving souls and transforming and empowering the church and society to be all that God has created them to be.
•Establishing as Congregation-to-Congregation Relationship – exchanging mission teams annually.
•In His Dust!
•Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves, Jr.PROVIDENCE BAPTIST CHURCH - The Cornerstone of the Nation
PBC Community Service Delivery 2006
•The ARK Internet Café
•Living Way Baptist Fellowship
•Gorgbeh Town Project
•Providence Child-Care Center
•Prison Ministry
•LEAD (Liberia Entrepreneur and Asset Development)
The ARK Internet Café
•Providence Baptist Church on Sunday, February 12 broke new grounds in its service to the community when it inaugurated the “Ark Internet Café” in Monrovia. The café is located in the church building on the Ashmun Street side.
•This is one of the few internet cafes that is air-cooled with about 10 PCs connected to the World Wide Web.
•We have a competent and qualified staff ready to assist our clients in a clean and quite environment.
•Making remarks at the dedication ceremony, United States Aid for International Development, USAID Country Director in Liberia, Dr. Wilbur Thomas described the church as a community that needed to be developed.
He pledged his organization’s support to such programs intended to serve the people.
•The dedicatory ceremony was graced by the President of the Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf who cut the ribbon and struck the first keys to the net as shown in pictures.
•She challenged the church not to make preaching its only focus but help in providing social services to the population.
This 65 KVA generator serves the café and the church (also seen is the technician who operates and fuels the generator). We run the generator for approximately 11 hours per day.