Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Young Adult Ministry at Providence hosted a Camp Retreat recently that brought together Young Adults at the church. The retreat was held over the week-end at the Camp Lawana camp site - ELWA
Members of Laveen Baptist Church - LaVeen, Arizona USA visiting Providence
Rev. Dr. Jerry Neal and a team from LaVeen Baptist Church in
LaVeen, Arizona visited Providence.

Monday, November 06, 2006

A view of participants at the just ended LEADERSHIP SUMMIT hosted by Providence in partnership with the Empowerment Temple AME Church and the St. Simon Baptist Church. There were over 200 persons in attendance. TAKING LEADERSHIP TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Pastor Reeves making closing remarks at the just ended Leadership Summit held at Providence. There were more than 200 persons in attendance.
Madison Square Church and Pebbles and Stones International delegation visited Providence Baptist Church from October 25th to November 8th as part of our Sister-Church Relationship Partnership. During thier visit here they conducted several Children's Workers Conferences at Providene and other churches around the city. The delegation included from left to right: Mary Springer, Cheri and Jeffery Niemeiemer and Cathleen Trock.
Cathleen Trock leader of Pebbles and Stone International conducting one of several Children's Leader Worship while in Liberia.
On Saturday, October 28th Providence in co-laboration with her sister church Madison Square Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan - USA and Pebbles and Stones International hosted a Children's Workers Conference. There were more than 150 children and kids workers present.